Influencers are obviously a rapidly growing trend that children trust and most times don’t even realize that they are watching “sponsored” or “advertised” content. Using a macro influencer can be expensive, so perhaps finding brand ambassadors who are micro influencers (10k-50k followers/subscribers) could be an affordable way to meet the influencer trend.
If not a micro influencer, simply finding a great pair of actors and continuously using them in a recurring video series would be effective enough for them to be viewed as brand ambassadors by parents and children.
Brand: LEGO
Video: “Build Zone”
Description: Long-form product demo, build, inspiration segments (4+ min) with a pair of actors building a different LEGO set in each episode.
Brand: LEGO
Video: “Valentine’s Day Game”
Description: Scripted adult-influencer game inspiration, using a game to indirectly place LEGO products (5:11)
Using the previous marketing campaign and commercial for National Teacher Day (2018), Crayola could look to produce a 1:00-1:45 spot that is more light-hearted and imaginative by having individual children play the role of teachers and inspiring their fellow classmates or younger children by teaching different class subjects:
• Art class (essential products)
• Science class (STEAM by Crayola)
• Gym class (outdoor play products), etc.
• History class (clay/model, etc.)
Video: “Imagine The Possibilities”
Description: Live-action, docu-style scripted montage (1:56)
Drawing inspiration from Crayola’s mission, stakeholders, and history vs. future product comparison, Crayola should look to create a 1:00-2:00 mission spot that sparks imagination and inspires children and parents alike.
Brand: Visit Orlando
Video: “Step into your Never Ending Story”
Description: Scripted voice over driven montage, live-action, docu-style scripted montage (1:00)
Brand: LeapFrog Orlando
Video: “Leap Ahead”
Description: Branded spot with impactful imagery and voice over, giving inspiration to the brand’s mission (1:00)
Giving children the outlet to create something out of nothing and for Crayola products to give them the courage and inspiration to create works of art. Depending on the concept this video could be a 1:00-1:30, somewhat staged, but somewhat candid style, where the children are “let loose”.
Brand: RoseArt
Video: “Beautify Your World”
Description: Setup, partly staged, product action demonstration inspiration (1:20)
Brand: LEGO
Video: “Mia’s House”
Description: Product demo/inspiration (1:30)
Brand: LEGO
Video: “Creativity Test”
Description: Creativity contest with simple imaginative graphic animations (2:42)